Project plan - time and material
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Last updated
Select Millbill in the menu and click on "Project Report". A price list must be linked to the project before a project report can be created. (You can also link a price list to a project in "Administration"). If a price list is not already selected, select which standard price list to create the project price list from (1). Then click on the price list link to make adjustments.
By default, the system suggests that the project price list is linked to the standard price list. This means that all adjustments made in the standard price list are reflected to all the project price lists that are linked to it. No local adjustments regarding different hourly rates, connections to articles etc. can be made to a linked project price list. However, it is possible to make local adjustments for fixed price, payment plans, time bank and max price.
If you want to adjust hourly rates, choose service articles, add or delete a row in the project price list; the price list must be made local. This means that adjustments made to the basic price list will not be reflected upon the project price list.
Choose which pricing model the project has: time & material, fixed price or max price. (In this manual we only describe how to create a project report for a price list with the pricing model time & material).
To make a price list local, do the following:
You can create new rows in the project report.
To add new rows, do the following:
NOTE! Changes made to the project report such as changing the number of hours, the notes or adding new rows will only affect what is invoiced. The changes do not affect the original time registrations. Therefore; you can always see how much time is actually recorded on a project, even if you made changes on the project report.
Internal Report Comment: This note will not be included in the project report or on the invoice to the customer but is completely in-house. The note applies only to the current project report and is visible in lists of project reports, here under the project report tab, under the invoice tab when creating an invoice for the project and on the information page.
Project Notes: This note is accessible from the project administration, the invoice tab and from the project report tab. The note follows the whole project (as opposed to the internal report comment that only follows the project report).
At the bottom left corner there is a link to the "Report Notes", where you can enter free text belonging to the project report. Project notes will be shown on the project report when printed in PDF format.
At the far right of each line in the project report there are tick boxes "Show note on for invoice and/or report". The entries that the user entered during the time registration will be shown on the project report PDF if the box "Report" under "Show note" on is ticked. The project leader can change this text. If the box "Invoice" under "Show note" on is ticked, the note will be shown on the invoice.
By default, the rows are presented in order by date. By clicking on the headlines "Date", "User" or "Activity", you can change the sorting order. This can help when deciding which row that is to be invoiced, free, hidden or pending.
While ordering by user or activity, a part summary for each group will be displayed and you will also be able to minimize each group. Sorting also brings the opportunity to set the report status for all entries in a group simultaneously (all entries for a certain user or activity).
The selected order will only impact the project report. The PDF report that can be printed out will always be sorted by date.
If you want to show records for a specific time interval, simply specify a from and a to date above the list of records.
If the project has records that span over several months, but you only want to invoice those that belong in a specific time interval, you can do the following: Ensure that all records are set to pending (1). Select the interval by entering a from date and a to date in the format YYYY-MM-DD or by clicking the calendar icon next to the text box (2). Do not forget to save.
When you are finished with the project report and you want to be able to create an invoice, it is time to lock the project report by clicking "Lock report". This means that the project report will disappear from the list under the tab "Project report" and can be found under the "Invoice" tab instead, where it is now possible to create an invoice based on the current project report.
If you want to unlock a project report, an invoice manager can do this under the Invoice tab. This is described in the manual "Create invoices".
Sometimes it may be necessary to delete a project report. An example is when you have changed customer or customer contact on a project when a project report is already created. To switch to the new customer you have to delete the old project report and create a new one with the new customer information.
Open up the project report you want to delete. If the project report is locked, it must first be unlocked.
Note! Deleting a project report does not mean that you remove the recorded hours available on the project.
If a project that should be invoiced regularly and if prices should come from the linked price list the project is ready to be invoiced. If a project in the list under the project report tab has the icon "", it means that the price list is linked. When you are on the project's price list you will see that it is linked because you cannot edit the price list rows.
Click on the price list link or tap on the "project report" list in Millbill (You can also do this in the project administration, "Administration" - "Project" - "Price list" tab in the project). Now click on the button "Make local" (1). You are now able to make local adjustments for just this project and you can customize the price list, for example, change the price per hour. You can also change the service article in the drop-down list. A row becomes editable when you click on it (2). You can add new rows in the price list by pressing "" (3). Then selecting activity, user, price/hour or fixed price and a service article. You can add rows in the price list based on what someone has done or who has done something, or the combination of these two. If you do not select an activity or a user, this means that no matter what activity and regardless of which user, it will be this price (unless it is covered by another row in the price list). The service article is what will be shown on the invoice and it keeps track of the VAT and is also the link between Millbill and external financial systems. Delete a row in the price list by pressing "" (4). Click "Save" to save the price list. Click "Close" to return to the project report tab.
Select Millbill in the menu and choose the tab "Project report". The projects you see are the projects you are the project leader for, and which has time recorded that is locked. Before a project report can be created, a price list must be selected (as described in a previous section). You can also create a project report for a project that currently does not have any locked time by searching (1). Enter the name in the search field (the whole project name or just the few first letters) and click the search icon "". If you click on "Show all active projects" (2), all active projects you are the project leader for will be displayed. Press "" by the project you want to create a project report for (3).
Choose if you want the time registration to be "Invoiced ", "Hidden ", or "Free " on the project report (4). You can select all rows by clicking on the icon in the header (5). If you choose to leave one or more registrations to "Pending ", these will remain on the project report tab until the next time you create a project report for this project (while the time registration is "Pending ", you cannot edit the rows). You can now make changes to the notes, number of hours and price per hour (6). Choose whether the notes made at the time registration should appear on the invoice (7). You can also add or edit notes for each time registration by entering text in the field. Tick the box "Show price on report" (8) if you want the price to be displayed on the project report PDF. Press "Save" when you are finished with your changes. To view the report in PDF format, click on the "" at the report number (9).
NOTE: Adobe Reader may be required to view PDF documents). In the list under "Recent reports" to the right, you can find previously created project reports and invoice reports for this project. To see more detailed information about this project, click "".
Click on "Add new": "time ", "article ", "expenses " or "additions " (10). Fill in the date, user, activity (alternatively select the article) and the number of hours (or unit amount for article registration) for that row (11). To delete the added row, click on delete "" (12). Click "Save" when you are finished with your changes.
Mark added payments plans and all other registrations on the project with "Pending " (1).
Delete any time and articles that has been manually added by clicking on the "" (2) next to each row. Press "Save" and then "Close". Click on the "" by the project report you want to remove (3).