Last updated
Last updated
Choose Expense in the menu.
Press NEW button.
Pick the project you want to register in the project list.
Specify whether the expense is a company expense or if you paid for it yourself
Select type
The total amount including VAT
The tax amount (if the expense does not contain any tax, fill in number 0)
A note
A picture of the receipt if possible
Pictures added are connected to the expense. To add press Upload receipt. You can take a new photo with your mobile camera, or choose between existing photos. The chosen photos are shown at the bottom of the screen.
Press Create to add your new expense to the list.
Added registrations are listed with basic information like, project, amount and if there is any pictures . You can also see if it is locked or not.
Edit: If you want to edit anything you have to start by finding the registration. Press it to open the editing. You can change all the fields and switch projects . You can also add photos if the registration supports that. Donât forget to save your changes.
Copy: You can use an existing registration to create a new. To do this, press copy . Remember to check the date. The new registration automatically gets today's date.
Lock: To lock a single registration you open it and press the padlock at the bottom. The registration will then be marked with a grey padlock . Registrations will also lock when you lock your time. Until your time is locked you are able to unlock it.
Delete: If you want to delete a whole registration you have to open it and press the trashcan at the bottom (4). You can also delete only the photo by pressing the trash can by the photo.
NOTE! You canât edit or erase registrations after your times are locked , To unlock your registrations, contact an administrator at your company.