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Choose Project in the administration and press Create project.
On the new project card you enter at least: Project name, Project leader and Invoicing manager, Our referens (if you have one), Invoice note, Project description and Project number. As default the system will create project reports and invoices for the project. If this is not what you want it is possible to uncheck these boxes. In case you want to attach project and/or subscription reports to every invoice you can choose that here.
There are two internal fields for comments - They will not be shown on any material sent to the customer. These are Project note and Project description. Project note is for internal comment about the project. This can also be seen in Millbill where it can also be edited. Project description is used to describe things about the project. Things written here can not be edited from Millbill.
The Invoice note is used for comments that you want to show on the customer's invoice. These comments can be edited when you create the invoice in Millbill. The field Customers order number is also shown on the Invoice. Don't forget to Save when you are done.
You may connect a price list to the project. This option is only available if you use Millbill. You are not obligated to do this as soon as the project is created. It is possible to return later on or add it when the first project report is created.
How this is done is described in the next part - Connect a price list to project.
Enter activities/members for the project. There are three ways to move.
1. Use drag and drop to move them from Unselected to Selected.
2. Select one or more activities/members and press the right arrow to move them to Selected.
3. Choose an activity/member from the list then press the right arrow to add it to Selected.
To remove an activity/member use drag and drop or press the left arrow after selecting the activity. The membership enables members to see the project in their list when registering time. When adding groups you are adding every member of the group to the project. They will all be able to register time etc. on the project just as individual members.
Press Save and then Close to return to the project list.
Choose a pricelist from the dropdown menu
Choose what type of price to use on the project: Time & material, Fixed price or Max price. The price list is initially a linked price list, which means that it will be automatically updated when changes are made to the original price list. You can make the project's price list local if you need to make adjustments and/or donÂŽt want to affect the original price list. Changes made in a local price list only affects the current project you are working with, but remember that changes made to a local price list will be lost if you want to switch price list or make it a linked one again.
If you have choosen to make the price list local:
Adjust the prices so that they fit the project. Changes, additions and things deleted only affect the current project. This means that you can change the cost/hour or the connection to a service article. Service articles are what is going to be added to the activities on the invoice. They are also the connection between Millbill and your external system for invoices, and determine the VAT.
You can add new rows in the price list by choosing activity, user, price and a service article. If you don't add a specific activity and leave the user as Everyone, it means that: This price is set no matter the activity is done and who is doing it, as long as there isn't another row stating something else.
When the project list gets long it is easier to find the project you are looking for using the sorting or filtering functions. you can sort the list with any column. Just press the heading on the one you want to use. On click for alphabetical order, rising. And one more to reverse the order to falling.
Enter something in the search bar at the top to get a smaller result. The word or letters you enter will be used to search the information in every column. The filters Projects I'm a member of, Projects where I'm project leader and Open projects are chosen as default. You can remove them and/or add more such as Closed projects and Projects I'm not a member of for a broader search. If your result is more than 20 projects they will be shown divided into more pages.
When there are registrations or invoices connected to the project you no longer have this option. If it shouldn't be possible to register more time to it you can choose to close it. To do this you need to open the project and check the box Closed. Closed projects are not visible among the other projects when registering time. Registrations made until the project was closed will still be shown as usually in Millbill and can be turned into invoices.
The main purpose with projects divided as main- and subprojects is shared invoicing. This means that you control that the invoices are always created from the main project. Main- and subprojects therefore need to have the same customer and customer contact. A project can have several subprojects, but a project canÂŽt be both a main project and a subproject at the same time. A project becomes a main project as soon as it has at least one subproject.
To create a subproject do any of the following:
Choose which customer to attach to the project. You can find it by entering the whole name or part of it here. It is also possible to add a new one under Administration-Customer or by clicking on next to the field (you can enter the customer information for the new customer from here but other parts, such as billing and shipping information and terms, need to be added to the customer card later on). Add a customer contact (It will be shown as âYour referenceâ on the invoice) and cost distribution. A new contact will automatically be added to the customer card when you press Save if you enter the name of a person that isn't already in the system. Add more customers if needed and then also specify the cost distribution for these. This decides how much of the project that each customer will pay. If needed, press the trash can to delete a customer.
Choose a price list for your project by pressing the link or go to in the project menu.
Delete rows you do not want/need by pressingto the right.
Open a project by clicking on the pen by the project name or by double click on the row. Then make your changes, see Create project for more information. Remember to save after you have made your changes.
A project can be deleted as long as it has no time registrations (or other registrations) or any invoices connected to it. This is done by opening the project that you no longer need and pressing in the top right corner.
A closed project can be reopened. Search for it in the project list by entering a search term and checking the box Closed Projects (this means that the search includes all projects, even closed ones). Press edit , uncheck the box next to Closed in the project status and Save. Your project is now shown as open again.
1. Create a new project or press Edit on an existing one that you want to convert to a subproject. Then pick a project to be the main in the list Main project. Don't forget to Save.
Presswhile on an open project. A new project is created as an exact copy as the project that has now become a main project. All the information is inherited from the main project (project leader, price list, activities, members and so on). Change the parts that you want to differ, if any, and then press Save.
Go to the project list and press the copy icon next to the project you want to make the main project. Choose the option Subproject in the dialog. A new project is created as an exact copy of the now main project. All the information is inherited from the main project (project leader, price list, activities, members and so on). Change the parts that you want to differ, if any, and then press Save.