Project report - Payment plan
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Select Invoicing in the menu and click on Project Report.
A price list must be linked to the project before a project report can be created. (You can also link a price list to a project in the administration). If a price list is not already selected, select which standard price list to create the project price list from. Then click on the price list link that appears to make adjustments.
By default, the system suggests that the project price list is linked to its standard price list. This means that all adjustments made in the standard price list are reflected to all the project price lists that are linked to it. No local adjustments regarding different hourly rates, connections to articles etc. can be made to a linked project price list. However, it is possible to make local adjustments for fixed price, payment plans, time bank and max price.
If you want to adjust hourly rates, choose service articles, add or delete a row in the project price list; the price list must be made local. This means that adjustments made to the basic price list will not be reflected upon the project price list.
If the price list is linked or local matters only for hours etc. which are billed in addition to the fixed amount that you define in the project. For example: a project is invoiced for a total of 100 000 SEK, split between two payments of 50 000 SEK each. During the course of the project, an additional ten hours are added to the project, which are to be considered outside the agreed fixed price. If this project has a unique price per hour you must make the price list local, otherwise you can use a linked price list with standard prices (same for several projects).
Select Millbill in the menu and choose Project report. The projects you see are the projects you are the project leader for, and which has time recorded that are locked. Before a project report can be created, a price list must be selected (see above).
Internal Report Comment: This note will not be included in the project report or on the invoice to the customer but is completely in-house. The note applies only to the current project report and is visible in lists of project reports, here under the project report tab, under the invoice tab when creating an invoice for the project and on the information page.
Project Notes: This note is accessible from the project administration, the invoice tab and from the project report tab. The note follows the whole project (as opposed to the internal report comment that only follows the project report).
At the bottom left corner there is a link to the Report Notes, where you can enter free text belonging to the project report. Project notes will be shown on the project report when printed in PDF format.
At the far right of each line in the project report there are check boxes "Show note on" for invoice and/or report. The entries that the user entered during the time registration will be shown on the project report PDF if the box Report under Show note on is checked. The project leader can change this text. If the box Invoice under Show note on is checked, the note will be shown on the invoice.
If you want to unlock a project report, an invoice manager can do this under the tab Invoice. This is described in the manual Create an invoice.
Sometimes it may be necessary to delete a project report. An example is when you have changed customer or customer contact on a project when a project report is already created. To switch to the new customer, you have to delete the old project report and create a new one with the new customer information. Note! Deleting a project report does not mean that you remove the recorded hours available on the project. Open the project report you want to delete. If the project report is locked, it must first be unlocked.
Select the pricing model Fixed price and enter the total fixed amount (1). Then make a payment plan of how the project is going to be billed, (2). A payment plan includes at least one payment. Enter the Date, Service article (NOTE: It is important to choose a service article, so that the VAT will be correct. The service article is also the key that will be used while exporting to an external accounting system and it decides what will be written on the invoice), specify Note and Amount (3). Repeat this for each part payment you want to add. Press Save when you are finished (4).
A project with a fixed price list containing not yet invoiced part payments are displayed under the Project Report tab until all the payments are done and all registered time has been processed in Millbill. Click on by the project you want to create the project report (1).
The payment plans are listed at the top. Select one or more-part payments you want to bill by checking the box Inv. (2). The registered time (and possibly other registrations such as allowances and expenses) spent on the project must be processed, i.e. you have to decide if they are to be invoiced, shown as free on the invoice or if they are to be hidden . If you hide all the rows, only the part payments will be shown on the invoice. If time additional to the part payments is to be billed, set each row (allowance or expenses) as invoice (3). To select all rows, click the icon in the header (4). Press Save. All payment plans which have been checked will end up as rows among the other registrations on the project report (5). If you want the note made on the payment plan row to be shown on the invoice, check the box for invoice under Show note on (6). Press Save when you are finished with your changes.
Under the headline Pricing model, you can see the total fixed price amount and how much (incl. this project report) that has been billed so far and how much remains (7). To view the report in PDF format; click on the PDF icon by the project report number (8). (NOTE: Adobe Reader may be required to view PDF documents). In the list under Recent reports to the right, you can find earlier created project reports and invoices for this project (9). For more detailed information about the project, click on (10).
When you are finished with the project report and you want to be able to create an invoice, it is time to lock the project report by clicking Lock report . This means that the project report will disappear from the list under Project report and can be found under the tab Invoice instead, where it is now possible to create an invoice based on the current project report.
NOTE! If you have left the report before locking it press to enter, otherwise you will create another one. Then lock as explained above.
Mark added payments plans and all other registrations on the project with Pending (1).
Delete any time and articles that has been manually added by clicking on (2). Press Save and then Close. Click on by the project report you want to remove (3).