Splitting invoices between two customers

Published 15.09.2021

Moment allows you to split an invoice between two or more customers. This is easy to do and can be done by following the steps shown in the video below.

  1. Select the project for which you want to split the invoice

  2. Choose invoice optionsPrice models Customer Split invoices with another customer(s)

  3. Choose customer and add the percentage you want to divide on each customer

Please note that only the total amount will be split between the customers and not the actual number of hours spent on the projects.

4. Go to "To be invoiced" or simply choose a pending invoice you want to split and refresh draft.

5. Once the draft is approved the following box will appear and drafts will be created according to the number of customers that the invoice has been split on.

Once you click on the draft you will notice an invoice line that states that a deduction has been made. When you are satisifed with the final outcome the invoice is ready to be sent. Keep in mind that the other drafts need to be approved and sent.

To learn more about invoices click the link below.

Last updated