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Customers and settings
To create a new customer, go to the tab “Customers” and click "+ New company" on the right hand side.
Once you have clicked the button, the following screen will appear:
Country: Choose the country where the company resides. This will define some invoice settings.
Number: This defines the customer number. You can override it if you want, but if you're using external systems, for instance an accounting tool, you need to make sure that the number matches existing number series.
Name: Add the name of the company. If you're adding a Norwegian company, you can also type in the company's name or org number to make our integration with BRREG find all business information.
Status: This can be set to either Active, Potential, Blocked or Inactive.
Tags: This is an option to add tags to a customer. You can read more about tags in this article.
The company is: Here you can choose whether the company will be either a customer, a project participant, or both. A "project participant" is relevant for Moment's Quality System.
Once the customer has been created, you will automatically redirect to the customer main page.
From here you can add contacts, projects, offers, see the invoicing options such as default invoice texts, invoice attachments and hour specification settings and bookkeeping accounts. You can also review the customer ledger, see and attach files to the customer and see key statistics. These statistics include how profitable the customer is, who in the company has worked with the customers among others.
If you click “edit” on customer data, you can further edit information on the customer, for example invoicing details:
This is of special importance. If the customer wants to receive the invoices as EHF (Norway) Moment will retrieve the address for receiving EHF based on the customer’s org number. The org number for Norwegian customers can also be defined in the customer data field. You can read more about EHF in these articles.
The tab “Offers” gives the opportunity to create and send offers to customers. You can read more about how to compose offers in this article: <Article about sending offers goes here>
“Invoicing Options” gives the opportunity to define specific preferences for invoicing the specific customer. A full list of options can be seen in the tab itself, with accompanying descriptions of the different purposes they serve. You can also read more on this article
The tab “Invoices” gives an overview of the invoices sent to the customer along with credit notes, if there are any. The overview is very similar to others in Moment in the sense that you can add relevant columns from the filter on the right, along with the possibility to download the overview/report as a PDF or XLSX-file. You also have the possibility to create a new invoice directly from the overview.
The tab “Customer Ledger” gives the possibility to see invoices sent along with the respective payments. The payments can be received as OCR files when the KID option in Moment is activated. Alternatively, the payments can be manually entered in Moment by clicking “New payment” in the invoice overview.
The tab “Files” allows you to upload files that are relevant to the relationship with the customer:
The tab "Key statistics" contain graphs showing KPIs, like the total amount invoiced, profitability, total number of hours worked in their projects, etc. Clicking the magnifying glass symbol (marked in red) gives you a detailed view of each statistic.
The detailed view looks like this:
In the detailed view you have the option to download the information as an excel file.
Finally, on the top right corner, there is an option to merge new customers with existing customers in case of duplicates.