Business Central App
To get full access to the Business Central API an app must be installed in Business Central. This app should be installed prior to configuring the integration in Moment.
Below is a step by step description on how to install the app. This can also be used when an update is provided. Only the installation part is needed during an update.
Store the provided .app file in a location on your local machine
Click on "Manage" to see the options that are available. Click on "Upload Extension" on from this menu.
The upload extension dialog will appear in this search/select the .app file that was stored on your local machine in step 1. Also set "Accept the privacy policy and the disclaimer" option to ON. When these are done, click "Deploy"
Installation is now in progress
The installation process might take some time, to see the status again click on "Manage" and select "Installation Status"
When installation is done the "Installation Status" will show "Completed", now all pages can be closed.
Installation is now done.
If this was the first time the extension was installed it must be configured with regards to the dimensions used for project and department.
When the page opens you are presented with two settings that must be defined. The dimension that should be used for project and department respectively. Select the correct dimensions.
Close the page and the configuration is done.
The app is now installed and configured, the configuration in Moment can now take place.
Last updated