Resource Planner
Resources/Resource planner
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Resources/Resource planner
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The resource planner is a new addition to Moment that allows for the possibility to see and adjust hours reservations on co-workers in an easy manner.
Some of the things you can do in the Resource planner:
Get an overview of which projects each coworker will work on each week, as well as who will we away on vacation, etc.
See who has available time and who is overbooked
Drag & drop reservations between weeks and coworkers to easily adapt to changes in resource planning
Add new reservations by clicking on the white areas of each cell, both for one week or several weeks at a time
Edit reservations by clicking on them (the coloured boxes)
Decide how much info you want to see in the overview through settings and filters: F.ex. select whether or not to display activity names, if you want to see only one project or just a group of coworkers
Each reservation for the specific week will be graphically displayed in the cell as boxes with different colours. The colours of each reservation box are decided by tags, where administrators can decide which colour each tag should have. For instance, there can be one tag and specific colour for designer projects and another colour for engineer projects, or it could be different colours based on the theme, location or size of the projects.
It is common to display the "Available hours" info box in the bottom right corner of each cell. This number depends on the schedule and on the amount of planned hours that are already present. It will be yellow when the coworker has available hours to easily see who has some extra time and can be assigned more work. If a co-worker is overbooked, the Avaiable hours box will turn red, and display the amount of hours the coworker is overbooked :
Adding a reservation in the resource planner is very simple. Scroll down to the co-worker you wish to plan hours for , choose the project, activity and amount of hours. If you want to plan for several weeks at a time, you can choose a date range for which period you want to add reservations for. When you choose a specific date interval to plan hours for, Moment will give you the chance to add the total amount of hours you are planning and spred them out on the date interval. To do this, click where it says "distribute"
If you have added Estimated hours on the activities in your project, which normally is the amount of hours you have agreed with your customer, you can see how many hours have been worked and planned compared to the estimate. If the planned hours (forecast) are more than the hours estimated on the activity, the Resource Planner will show those hours in red.
If you click on "go to Project Plan", you will be taken right to the project plan on a new tab. The Project plan is another resource planning tool within the project, where you can see more detailed info on how it is going with the project both regarding hours spent compared to estimated, as well as financially regarding results compared to budget.
The Resource planner is an additional tool and is connected to the Reservations page and the Project plan. This means that when you reserve hours on a coworker through the Resource planner, these hours will be updated both in the Project Plan and the Reservations. Hours reservations created on the Resource Planner will be fed back into the Project plan. It is also well worth noting that changes made in the Project plan also feed back to the Resource planner. If we take the example above, we can have a look at how the project plan for the project looks like:
Here we can see that the planned hours have been added to the project plan in the corresponding week.
The reservations page has also been updated with the hours we planned
You can choose if you want to see only one week at a time or plan for several weeks ahead by using the date-range box on the top left corner. Here you can choose to display several months at the time and side scroll to see all weeks. If you use need an overview for one week to two weeks at a time, which is typical for Monday morning standup meetings, you can easily narrow down the period.
You can also use a simple filtering selection that will allow you to narrow down the amount of data displayed in the resource planner. For instance you can choose to see only one project at a time, or only see certain co-workers based on the a tags filter:
If you want to delete several reservations at once, you can right click on the reservations and click on the "more" button on top to easily delete all selected items.
If the company admin has registered company holidays/national holidays in the timesheet for everyone, then these company holidays will have an effect on the total amount of available hours. An example:
A normal schedule would include 37 hours in a work-week. However, because we have registered two days as company holidays, then these days are represented as "Holidays" and are removed from the total amount of available hours for that week.