Ad providers
For all providers these name standards are the same
Name of provider is the first part of the file name
Year and month is the second part of the name
Files can only be imported once, if the same period needs to be updated/appended the file must be updated with an appendix for iteration. No check on number used, only that it is unique.
Original file name: "facebook_202111.csv"
Second import of the file, eg: "facebook_202111_1.csv"
Third import of the file, eg: "facebook_202111_2.csv"
Files to be used for Facebook ads import must follow the format defined here.
The header row is not imported, exact names are not significant. The number of columns is important. The columns must be:
Column title | Description |
Account ID | The ID used in Facebook for the account |
Campaign name | Name of campaign |
Currency | Currency for the specific record |
Cost | Total cost/amount |
The file type is CSV (Comma Separated Values), using "," (comma) as separator.
Provider name used as filename: facebook
Files to be used for Google ads import must follow the format defined here.
The header rows are not imported, exact names are not significant. The number of columns is important. The columns must be:
Column title | Description |
Customer ID | The ID used in Google for the customer |
Budget name | Name of campaign |
Currency | Currency for the specific record |
Billed Cost | Total cost/amount |
The file type is CSV (Comma Separated Values), using "," (comma) as separator.
Provider name used as filename: google
Note! Google can deliver the various currencies in separate files, to accommodate this it's possible to add currency code before the file extension. eg "Google_YYYYMM_NOK.csv"
Digital & Video 360
Files to be used for DV360 import must follow the format defined here.
The header rows are not imported, exact names are not significant. The number of columns is important. The columns must be:
Column title | Description |
Account ID | The ID used in DV360 for the customer |
Campaign name | Name of campaign |
Currency | Currency for the specific record |
Cost | Total cost/amount |
The file type is CSV (Comma Separated Values), using "," (comma) as separator.
Provider name used as filename: dv360
Files to be used for Microsoft ads import must follow the format defined here.
The header rows are not imported, exact names are not significant. The number of columns is important. The columns must be:
Column title | Description |
Month | Not used in the import |
Manager account name | Name of campaign |
Account number | The ID used in Microsoft for the customer |
Bill-to country/region | Determines currency for the specific record |
Bill-to-name | Not used in the import |
Document number | Not used in the import |
Document type | Not used in the import |
Billing type | Not used in the import |
Net due | Total cost/amount |
The file type is XLSX (Microsoft Excel).
Provider name used as filename: microsoft
Files to be used for LinkedIn ads import must follow the format defined here.
The header rows are not imported, exact names are not significant. The number of columns is important. The columns must be:
Column title | Description |
Account ID | The ID used in LinkedIn for the account |
Campaign name | Name of campaign |
Currency | Currency for the specific record |
Cost | Total cost/amount |
The file type is CSV (Comma Separated Values), using "," (comma) as separator.
Provider name used as filename: linkedin
Files to be used for Snapchat ads import must follow the format defined here.
The header rows are not imported, exact names are not significant. The number of columns is important. The columns must be:
Column title | Description |
Account ID | The ID used in Snapchat for the account |
Campaign name | Name of campaign |
Currency | Currency for the specific record |
Cost | Total cost/amount |
The file type is CSV (Comma Separated Values), using "," (comma) as separator.
Provider name used as filename: snapchat
Last updated