Format GL02b
The GL02b is a Xledger file format specifically to be used for accounting data.
This export requires tag groups if the option to set specific account receivable and/or revenue account will be used. Read more about tags here.
To configure Xledger (GL02b) file export see the common explanation in here.
The specific fields that are unique to the GL02b format are the fields "Customer ledger account" and "Owner code".
Account receivable
Select the tag group containing tags corresponding with financial accounts that can be set as account receivable for customers. To use this feature it's required to create a tag group that will contain the accounts that can be selected.
Example of tag used for this:
Note! It's the tag code field that is used by the export, this is required for the export.
Revenue account
Select the tag group containing tags corresponding with financial accounts that can be set as revenue account for customers.
To use this feature it's required to create a tag group that will contain the accounts that can be used.
Example of tag used for this:
Note! It's the tag code field that is used by the export, this is required for the export.
Owner Code
This field is used to identify the your company in Xledger, register your id here. This is a required field.
Example of a configured export
Department from project
Tag group "Account receivable" used for named purpose
Tag group "Revenue" used for named purpose
Owner code registered
The file is a CSV file where semi-colon (;) is used as the separator.
Date format: yyyymmdd
Decimal separator: . (period)
Description | Column # | Excel Column | Format | Max length | Comment | Mandatory |
ImpSystem | 1 | A | 25 | Always "GL02b" | No | |
ImpSystemRef | 2 | B | 25 | Always "Moment" | No | |
Entity | 3 | C | Entity code | Yes | ||
VoucherType | 4 | D | 8 | VoucherType in XLEDGER.NET | Yes | |
VoucherNo | 5 | E | nnnn | 8 | Imported voucher no. | Yes |
FiscalYear | 6 | F | yyyy | 4 | Accounting period year from Voucher Date | No |
PeriodNo | 7 | G | nn | 2 | Accounting period month from Voucher Date | No |
VoucherDate | 8 | H | yyyymmdd | Voucher Date | Yes | |
Account | 9 | I | 25 | Account | Yes | |
AccountLedger | 10 | J | 25 | Ledger account | No | |
Posting1 | 11 | K | 25 | Cost Center/Department | No | |
Posting2 | 12 | L | 25 | Project | No | |
XGL | 13 | M | 25 | Object value for XGL | No | |
Our Ref (Imp) | 14 | N | 25 | Our ref posting value | No | |
Period Start (Imp) | 15 | O | Defines start period | No | ||
No of Periods | 16 | P | Used for periodization | No | ||
Pay Method (Imp) | 17 | Q | 255 | Defines payment method | No | |
Pay Code Int | 18 | R | No | |||
Pay Doc Code (Imp) | 19 | S | 25 | No | ||
Pay Doc Text | 20 | T | 50 | No | ||
SubledgerNo | 21 | U | 25 | Customer No or Supplier No | No | |
SubledgerName | 22 | V | 2555 | Name of customer/supplier | No | |
InvoiceDate | 23 | W | yyyymmdd | Invoice Date | No | |
InvoiceNo | 24 | X | 50 | Invoice Number | No | |
XIdentifier(KID/OCR) | 25 | Y | 50 | KID/OCR | No | |
DueDate | 26 | Z | yyyymmdd | Due Date | No | |
SubledgerBankAccount | 27 | AA | 50 | No | ||
PaymentTerms | 28 | AB | 25 | No | ||
Text | 29 | AC | 255 | Transaction text | No | |
TaxRule | 30 | AD | 25 | Tax rule | ||
Currency | 31 | AE | 25 | Currency code | ||
CurrencyAmount | 32 | AF | nnnn.nn | Amount in selected currency | ||
Amount | 33 | AG | nnnn.nn | Amount in company currency | ||
Amount 3 (Imp) | 34 | AH | ||||
Amount 4 (Imp) | 35 | AI | ||||
Amount 5 (Imp) | 36 | AJ | ||||
UpdateSubledger | 37 | AK | n | If set to 1, address field will be updated | ||
SubledgerGroup | 38 | AL | 25 | Only used when creating a new subledger | No | |
CompanyNo | 39 | AM | 25 | |||
StreetAddress1 | 40 | AN | 255 | |||
StreetAddress2 | 41 | AO | 255 | |||
ZipCode | 42 | AP | 25 | |||
Place | 43 | AQ | 255 | |||
State | 44 | AR | 50 | |||
Country | 45 | AS | 25 | |||
BillingStreetAddress | 46 | AT | 255 | |||
BillingStreetAddress2 | 47 | AU | 255 | |||
BillingZipCode | 48 | AV | 25 | |||
BillingPlace | 49 | AW | 255 | |||
BillingState | 50 | AX | 25 | |||
BillingCountry | 51 | AY | 25 | |||
Phone | 52 | AZ | 50 | |||
53 | BA | 50 | ||||
YourRef | 54 | BB | 255 | |||
Archive No | 55 | BC | Allows for defining archive number | |||
Workflow | 56 | BD | 1 | 0 if voucher will bypass workflow 1 if voucher will enter workflow | ||
Posting 3 | 57 | BE | 255 | |||
Posting 4 | 58 | BF | 255 | |||
Posting 5 | 59 | BG | 255 | |||
Dummy | 60 | BH | 255 | not in use | ||
EOL | 61 | BI | 25 | Last column, always "x" |
Last updated