
Mamut is a Norwegian accounting system, now part of Visma.

Mamut uses a standard format for their files, this is also a format many other accounting systems has support for.

Export configuration

Configuration of export is to be done following the standard configuration.

Mamut has 3 additional fields to be configured:

  • Accounting project: Select if project is to be included and how to get project information

  • Voucher code for invoices: Define the code used for invoices. Default 1

  • Voucher code for credit notes: Define the code used for credit notes. Default 3

Set these fields as needed and save.


The file produced is a CSV file using ";" (semi-colon) as separator. The number in the Max length column is give to inform about max number of characters allowed.

The file is according to the GBAT10 format, the standard format for Mamut.

*For ledger vouchers **For ledger vouchers


  • Date format: YYYYMMDD

  • Decimal separator: . (period)

Field descriptions


Defined if the contact is new or existing contact should be updated.

Customer no.

Customer number must be stated when comparing using numbers.


Departments must exist in Mamut prior to the import.


This field can have one of the following status for a voucher

  • Blank: The line will be imported with value from Balance

  • T (True): The line will be imported with GrossSum (incl. VAT)

  • F (False):The line will not be imported. Example: a separate vat-voucher line that should be ignored in import

Interest invoicing

This field can have one of the following status for a voucher

  1. No interest invoicing

  2. Always

  3. Only above 30 days

Period/Accounting year

The accounting year and period must exist in Mamut prior to the import.


StdReg_xxx.xls is a reference to a file that can be exported in your Mamut software, this contains your specific standard values.


With regards to vat. there are two alternative methods for import.

  • Import separate vat-line for each voucher VAT code should be set to 1 (no vat) on all rows. Do not include the last two fields in the file as this will result in errors.

  • Import gross sum and let Mamut calculate vat. (Recommended) To use this method make sure the last two fields are used. Gross is set to either T or F (see more about Gross above) GrossSum is numeric with three decimals and shall have the gross sum (incl. vat). Set VAT code to 1 on the 1510 rows and relevant VAT code on e.g. 3010 rows.

Last updated