Visma Scenario
Export configuration
Configuration of export is to be done following the standard configuration.
To configure Visma Scenario there are no additional settings required to be set. Just save when this is selected.
The file produced is a TXT file that is using "," (comma) as separator. String fields use double quotation marks.
Field | Type | Length | Description |
Batch number | N | 5 | |
Year | N | 4 | |
Period | N | 2 | Accounting period (month) |
Voucher number | N | 8 | |
Voucher date | N | 8 | |
Due date | N | 8 | |
Debet account | N | 8 | |
Debet ledger | N | 12 | |
A | 1 | ||
Debet department | A | 10 | |
Debet project | A | 10 | |
Debet object | A | 10 | |
Debet activity | A | 10 | |
Credit account | N | 8 | |
Credit ledger | N | 12 | (Max 8 in Norwegian version) |
A | 1 | ||
Credit department | A | 10 | |
Credit project | A | 10 | |
Credit object | A | 10 | |
Credit activity | A | 10 | |
Post number | N | 10 | Invoice number |
N | 2 | ||
Text | A | 20 | If blank get from selected document type |
Amount | N | 12 | Two decimals |
Count | N | 11 | Two decimals |
Currency amount | N | 13 | Three decimals |
Currency code | A | 3 | |
Payment ID | A | 25 | OCR/KID number |
Journal number | N | 5 | Not used |
Customer name | A | 35 | Used to create new customer/supplier |
Customer address 1 | A | 35 | Used to create new customer/supplier |
Customer address 2 | A | 35 | Used to create new customer/supplier |
Customer address 3 | A | 35 | Used to create new customer/supplier |
Customer Zip code | A | 8 | Used to create new customer/supplier |
Customer Place | A | 27 | Used to create new customer/supplier |
Date format: YYYYMMDD
Decimal separator: none
Numeric fields right adjusted, padded with 0
Document types
Value | Description |
1 | Invoice |
2 | Credit note |
3 | Supplier invoice |
4 | Supplier credit note |
5 | Wages |
6 | Cash |
7 | Post |
8 | Bank |
9 | Interest invoice |
10 | Payment |
11 | Paid supplier invoice |
14 | Correction |
15 | Various |
18 | Balance |
19 | Balance wo/ledger |
21 | Invoice (transferred from Scenario Professional invoice) |
22 | Credit note (transferred from Scenario Professional invoice) |
23 | Supplier invoice (transferred from Scenario Professional invoice) |
24 | Supplier credit note (transferred from Scenario Professional invoice) |
29 | Interest invoice (transferred from Scenario Professional invoice) |
30 | OCR - registration |
31 | Remittance |
VAT codes
Value | Description |
0 | No VAT |
1 | Deduction of input VAT |
2 | Deduction of input VAT + investment fee |
3 | Taxable sale |
4 | Tax-free sale |
5 | Deduction of input VAT2 |
6 | Deduction of input VAT + investment fee2 |
7 | Additional investment fee |
8 | Additional investment fee2 |
9 | Deduction of input VAT2 + investment fee2 |
Last updated