Invoice settings

Invoicing options > invoice settings (on project)


This is a guide on how the different options under invoice settings work and their implications on the invoice.

Moment has a hierarchy of settings, in this article we will review the most common invoice settings for invoices at a project level. Most of these settings will also be found at a customer and company level. Project level settings will overwrite most other invoice settings that you have defined at customer and company level, and can be overwritten by settings for price models and activities invoiced separately.

Default Invoice texts

Your reference: This field can be used to indicate the name of the responsible on the customers side for the invoice or a reference used by the customers invoice system to process the invoice.

Order reference: this field can be used to define an order or ID number upon sending an invoice.

Contract Reference: This field can reference the general contract number, if requested by the customer.

Customer contact: In this field you can choose any contact that is defined on the project or customer and will be shown on the invoice.

Additional line above company name/ Additional line below company name: Both of these fields can be used to add additional information which will be shown either above or below the company's name.

Default invoice text: By using this field you will be able to define an introductory line of your choice. In the example below "Unpaid invoices after due date will be added 5% rent on" has been defined as default text and the line appears as an introduction to the invoice.

Default footer text: This field can be used to define text concerning for example change in bank account number and appears at the bottom of the invoice before account details.

General invoicing preferences

Credit terms: This field can be used to define number of days between invoice date and invoice date. Setting credit terms as 30 days means that if you create and invoice today the invoice will be due in 30 days from today (invoice date).

Invoice language: Moment enables you to set the language for an invoice and its related attachments. Moment supports translated invoices by default to all Scandinavian languages and English.

Default "our reference" on invoices: Default settings are obtained from settings on company level under Setup > settings > invoice settings. Using the default settings (none) will leave the Supplier contact field on the invoice empty allowing you to edit this field directly on the invoice as shown below.

However if you choose the option for "a specific co-worker" you will be able to select a co-worker from the drop down menu and the name will be shown on the invoice under "our reference as shown below:

Using the field for project member with role will allow you to choose a role on the project and the person with the specific role on the project will automatically be chosen as "our reference" on the invoice. Choosing the last option "project owner" will automatically set the project owners name as the "our reference" on the invoice.

Calculate due date: If you choose to use the default settings the due date will be set in regards to finalizaton date of the invoice plus credit term days (30 days). This means that if you finalize an invoice today, the due date will be 30 days from finalization date.

You can also set to calculate the due date from invoice date plus credit date or choose to manually set a due date for all the invoices upon creating an invoice. Here you can choose how the invoice due date will be calculated on finalization. If invoice date is chosen, the date can be edited on the draft invoice. Otherwise the date will be changed when finalized.

Hour specifications and attachments

Attach hours specifications when sending invoice: As mentioned earlier you can define certain settings on company level under Setup > Settings > Invoicing option which determine "default settings". These can be overwritten when you change settings on a project or customer. In the example above the default settings are set to always attach hour specifications when sending and invoice but choosing "No" here will allow you to not include these upon sending the invoice.

Show hourly rate based time records in hour specifications: Choosing "yes" here will allow the receiver to have the following view of the hour specifications related to an hour based time record where the time record related to an hourly rate will be visible. Choosing "no" on this setting will hide the time record from hour specifications.

The same goes for "show fixed price time records in hour specification". If the settings is chosen "yes" the time records related to a time record which is related to a fixed price model the receiver will have the following view of the hour specifications:

The most common setting to choose here is "no" so that hours related to a fixed price are excluded from the hour specifications.

Group time records in hours specifications by: This setting allows you to choose how you wish to sort your time records in hours specifications. You can group these according to the following:

In the example above the time records are sorted according to "activity and task" which means that the activity is mentioned followed by the task and related hours record.

Several other settings under hour specifications and attachments allow you to show or hide the following from the hour specifications. These include the visibility of the co-workers name, role, name of the activity, task, time record tags, description of the time record and hourly rate. The settings are as shown below:

Invoicing summary

In addition, you can also define the specific lines that will be shown on the PDF file that will be sent to the customer. This can be done in this option:

The settings under invoicing summary allows you to show invoice summary on the invoice, the position of this and whether or not you want to inlude expenses and product sales in the calculation. You can also choose to summarize this according to actitivites (only for hourly rate price models).

As all other settings mentioned above the default settings can be defined under Setup > Settings > Invoice settings. The settings illustrated above will give the following view on the invoice:

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